Tuesday, June 2, 2009


9.30pm, 17 Degree Celsius. It is quite warm today. In such a weather, I feel that I'm living in paradise. Thus, enjoying it. The good news for today is that I have plenty of things to do during my internship today. The tech bay is full with computer tower. It was my first time to see such a number in the section. I was quite glad that I can learn a lot from there. Basically, this is what I can report today. Just update to let you guys know how I going. hope to hear from you guys too..


  1. yes yes! keep update your blog will make me going to enjoy reading instead of study. =D

  2. wa...so now you become pro liao la...so...every time i got problem on my pc...i can straight away ask u lo...haha...good!

  3. hihi
    look my post comment again...last night you post me comment that...you will get surprise~~


Shout out your Opinions.

I'm open to all kind of Opinion. Good one, I will appreciate. Bad one, I will close my eyes. Worst, you will need to be careful.

So, yeah. Fire on...
Shout until I am deaf will still be alright.