Thursday, December 10, 2009


After 1 month being in the town i grew up, i actually did nothing special. There is a lot of time for my mind to think. i awaken to more thing due to the time given. Friends, social, money and other stuff. The most important is friends. No one will be able to replace you guys.
Fung, always say yes if help or even accompany needed;
Alvin, there will be no one can replace this so call 'tai goh';
and all my friends.
Even my new friends i made in Perth,
Raj, will be there discus study stuff;
Min, share lots and lots of common interest; If you are not going to continue your study, where can i find another min?

You guys are irreplaceable. If you need me to say out your uniqueness. i sure i can tell you directly without thinking.
Xyan will sure read this post.. You..
You will always help if you have the ability.


  1. LOLZ~!!!
    so happy that saw my name in your post...
    but so sad that can't meet you guys for long long time=[
    wish we will meet soon...
    miss u guys T.T

  2. lol. my plan had changed too... will go back Perth soon..

  3. 哈咯。。首次到访。。


Shout out your Opinions.

I'm open to all kind of Opinion. Good one, I will appreciate. Bad one, I will close my eyes. Worst, you will need to be careful.

So, yeah. Fire on...
Shout until I am deaf will still be alright.