Friday, February 19, 2010

'happy chinese new year'

First of all, Happy Chinese New Year to all again.
Chinese new year is a period of 'busy'.
Busy with family time;
Busy with gathering;
Busy with gambling;
Busy with everything.

Was thinking to do assignment when i am back here but i done not much.

Chinese New Year also a period of 'learning'.
Learn form family time;
Learn from gathering;
Learn for gambling;
Learn from anything.

This new year got a lot of ups and downs. This is how life should be. What i can do is just be positive.

Nothing much can be express here, or maybe too personal.
Once again. Happy Chinese New Year

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I'm open to all kind of Opinion. Good one, I will appreciate. Bad one, I will close my eyes. Worst, you will need to be careful.

So, yeah. Fire on...
Shout until I am deaf will still be alright.