Saturday, January 9, 2010

first week of new year.

i agree that time really fly. It has been more than one week since i arrive Perth. Things went pretty well this time as i have everything settle down before.

New year resolution works for this week. i got my sideburns shaved and nails cut. Pimples is saying bye to me again. Maybe is the food, or the air, whatever.

We got our assignment to busy now. i like this lecturer so much. He is so good, however, not everyone think like that.

Chinese New Year is close, hope to see you guys during that time. By the way, come to my house BBQ on the 3th day. However, maybe will change to the 2nd, will see what will happen.

1 comment:

Shout out your Opinions.

I'm open to all kind of Opinion. Good one, I will appreciate. Bad one, I will close my eyes. Worst, you will need to be careful.

So, yeah. Fire on...
Shout until I am deaf will still be alright.